Applicazioni > Pirometro o termometro all'infrarosso in siderurgia e metallurgia

Misura non a contatto della temperatura in acciaieria, laminatoi e nella lavorazione dei metalli

The monitoring of temperature with contact-free yet precise measurement of the object is gaining tremendous importance in the steel and iron industry. The temperature of raw steel, slab, and wire is of immense importance for the quality of the product in the various processing stages, as well as for the safety in the workplace.

The special requirements of the steel industry on infrared thermometers or pyrometers arise from the harsh environmental conditions and the wide temperature ranges/operating temperatures - which range from cold material to object temperatures well in excess of 1000 °C.

The pyrometers or thermometers are often exposed to ambient temperatures of up to 250°C. Environments of this type place certain demands on the housing, the electronics, and the accessories of a pyrometer.

Pyrometers from the Proxitron Piros OKS series were designed for these special applications and are used worldwide in production-critical locations in steel mills and metal working, foundries and forging.

Wherever our infrared sensors / hot metal detectors, light barriers, and laser distance measuring systems are used, pyrometers from Proxitron measure the product forming temperature or contribute to safety in the workplace.

Learn more about the use of Proxitron pyrometers in steel and hot rolling mills or choose the optimal pyrometer for your application with our product selector.

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Please fill out our application questionnaire and send it to sales(at) Our experts will answer you as soon as possible.


  • Non richiede manutenzione

  • Ampia gamma di modelli

  • Elevata robustezza

  • Temperature misurabili fino a 2500 °C

  • 40 anni di esperienza in applicazioni a livello mondiale

  • Dimensionamento e ottimizzazione dei costi in base all'impiego

  • Campioni disponibili per prove

  • Studio e consulenza applicativa

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